Title | Description | Download link |
D2.1 Sustainable Energy Investment Forums (SEIF) assessment. Update of barriers and needs for increasing energy efficiency investments | SEIF events were assessed to provide guidance on how to structure and deliver similar events but also to learn how these events helped in the development of national policies discussed during the events or supported investment cycles. Also national initiatives were assessed to explore ongoing actions, possibilities to link with, as well as to expand the impact of SMAFIN roundtables. | Press here |
D2.2 Market Analysis Report | The report approaches the Energy Efficiency projects financing market in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Romania from the perspective of the Financial Institutions: an overview of the national financial markets and National inventories and evaluation of financing schemes. | Press here |
D2.3 Best Practices Report | The report presents the main findings regarding successful financing schemes and initiatives previously applied at the national level in the four countries participating in the SMAFIN project. A gathering of best practices that have achieved high investments in energy efficiency in buildings, industry and SMEs, are included, in order to disseminate these experiences and promote their large-scale. | Press here |
2.4 Selection of energy efficiency policy measures to be redesigned | In this document SMAFIN consortium partners reviewed the existing measures and programmes related to energy renovations and proposed suggestions for increasing the likelihood of reaching set targets. Partners will use this initial overview to prepare roundtable discussion topics, as well as to further work on the suggestions with the support of the members of the Working Groups that have been established in each country participating in the project. | Press here |
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D4.5 Policy recommendations | The national roundtables aim to encourage structural dialogue with key stakeholders that will define barriers to wider investments and promote the use of energy-efficient financing according to national priorities and opportunities. Roundtable organization was supported by established Working groups in each country. Working groups consist of relevant stakeholders, who worked on defining the topics of the roundtables, processing their results and formulating recommendations for improving national policies. Policy recommendations presented in this document are used to support the national plans in the field of energy efficiency based on the final documents adopted by the 3rd cycle of the roundtables. Due to the in-depth research of the national context and intensive communication with stakeholders from both public and financial institutions, these recommendations are designed to be shared with policymakers and/or financial institutions seeking to redesign and update existing financial products to be aligned with the sector’s needs. | Press here |
Title | Description | Download link |
D4.5 Policy recommendations | The national roundtables aim to encourage structural dialogue with key stakeholders that will define barriers to wider investments and promote the use of energy-efficient financing according to national priorities and opportunities. Roundtable organization was supported by established Working groups in each country. Working groups consist of relevant stakeholders, who worked on defining the topics of the roundtables, processing their results and formulating recommendations for improving national policies. Policy recommendations presented in this document are used to support the national plans in the field of energy efficiency based on the final documents adopted by the 3rd cycle of the roundtables. Due to the in-depth research of the national context and intensive communication with stakeholders from both public and financial institutions, these recommendations are designed to be shared with policymakers and/or financial institutions seeking to redesign and update existing financial products to be aligned with the sector’s needs. | Press here |
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D5.2 Project Identity | Press here |
D5.3 Project poster and brochure | Press here |