Thursday April 15 2021
Organised by ENERO and Pro-nZEB in partnership with the Department of Sustainable Development - Government of Romania, the Ministry of Investments and European Projects and the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration.
SMAFIN project has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 955857.
Roundtable Highlights
Key Takeaways
By adopting the National Long-Term Renovation Strategy, Romania ensures the national strategic framework for the renovation of the park of residential and nonresidential, public and private buildings, aligned with the requirements of Directive 2018/844/EU, with European objectives established by the European Commission initiative "Renovation Wave" and climate strategies.
László Borbély, State Counsellor of the Prime Minister of Romania, Coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development - Government of Romania
EU Recovery and Resilience Plan will support all economy sectors, but investing in an intelligent way in an economy based on digitalisation and decarbonisation solutions, is essential in the modernisation process and in the sustainable transformation of the economy.”
Tudor Constantinescu, Principal Adviser to the Director General for Energy European Commission
Energy Efficiency is one of the best solutions to consolidate the national energy security, to support the sustainable development of the economy and to improve the competitivity. (…) Energy Efficiency Improvement is a strategic objective of the national energy policies, and, in the same time, could contribute to the GHG emissions mitigation.“
Cristina Prună, Member of the Romanian Parliament - Vice-President Chamber of Deputies, Vice-President of the Commission for Industries and Services Romanian Parliament
Energy Efficiency projects will be financed in the following programming period through three national programmes: Regional operational programme, Just Transition Funds and National Programme for Recovery and Resilience.”
Marius Mihai Vasiliu, State Secretary, Ministry of Investments and European Projects
Building renovation and green solutions have a socio-economic and environmental impact. They bring huge benefits to cities, to communities, to us humans, and we seem to fail to fully understand them. I am convinced that adequately targeted financial resources and effective energy efficiency policies will have an incredible long-term effect on our quality of life and well-being. However, this can be achieved only through communication and change of attitudes at national, local, community level - something that requires resources and knowledge.
Dragomir Tsanev, Executive Director of EnEffect
Roundtable Conclusions
The 3 Parallel Sessions were moderated by: