9:30- 10:00 |
Registration |
Welcome, Dr Lampros Pirgiotis, Director General, CRES |
10:00-10:20 |
Welcome Notes |
10:20-11:30 |
Introductory plenary |
Moderator |
Dr Lampros Pirgiotis, Director General, CRES |
“The policy framework for energy efficiency in Greece”, Vasiliki Sita, Head of the Directorate of Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Environment and Energy |
“The new European policy framework for the building sector”, Dimitris Athanasiou, Energy Efficiency Policy Advisor |
“Financing energy efficiency projects”, Panagiotis Habesis, Head of Sustainability Unit, Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) |
“SMAFIN project results”, Vassiliki Papadopoulou, Head of the Department for Dissemination of RES and EE Applications, (CRES) |
11:30-12:30 |
Break |
“Supporting the Implementation of Smart Financing for Energy Eficient Buildings in Greece.2023”

Wednesday 3 May 2023
09.30 – 15.00
Amalia Hotel, Athens
The 3rd SMAFIN round table discussion in Greece is organised by CRES - Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (www.cres.gr) in collaboration with INZEB (www.inzeb.org).

12:30- 14:30 |
1st Thematic parallel session: Financing energy efficiency in residential buildings |
Moderator |
Alice Corovessi, Managing Director, INZEB |
“OSS European Best Practice”, Adrian Joyce, Director, Renovate Europe Campaign (online presentation in English) |
“Financial tools for the energy upgrade of houses”, Gianna Nikou, Head of Staff NSRF - Energy Sector, Ministry for Environment and Energy |
“SMAFIN One stop shop Policy recommendation”, Elena Taxeri, CRES |
Discussion with the participation of 20 experts |
12:30- 14:30 |
2nd Thematic parallel session: Financing energy efficiency in the industry |
Moderator |
Vlasis Oikonomou, Director, Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP) |
“Financing energy efficiency in the industry- European Best practices”, Vlasis Oikonomou, Director, Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP) |
“Insurance-based model supporting investments in energy-efficient systems by SMEs”, Effie Korma, Head of Market Development Department, (CRES) |
Discussion with the participation of 20 experts |
12:30- 14:30 |
3rd Thematic parallel session: Energy Efficiency Auctions for tertiary sector companies |
Moderator |
Christos Tourkolias, Energy Policy and Planning Sector, CRES |
“Presentation of the tender document on the energy efficiency auctions”, Christos Tourkolias, Energy Policy and Planning Sector, CRES |
Discussion with the participation of 20 experts |
14:30- 15:00 |
Conclusions |
1st Parallel Session |
Alice Corovessi, Managing Director, INZEB |
2nd Parallel Session |
Vlasis Oikonomou, Director, Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy, IEECP |
3rd Parallel Session |
Christos Tourkolias, Energy Policy and Planning Sector, CRES |