“Supporting the implementation of smart financing for energy efficient buildings in Greece”

Thursday 20 May 2021
Organised by CRES and INZEB
Held under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy
SMAFIN project has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 955857.
Roundtable Highlights
Key Takeaways

Efforts to reduce CO2 emissions through energy savings in the building sector will lead to a resurgence of the construction industry, utilization of domestic human resources and economic development in general. Energy costs for households and enterprises will be reduced and the last will become more competitive. This is a win win situation.
Konstantinos Skrekas, Minister of Environment and Energy

The main sectors to be supported are the renewed energy performance certificates, the financial mechanisms and investing in human resources. The rather promising targets need higher investments with leverage of private equity.
Dimitrios Athanasiou, General Directorate for Energy, European Commission

In order to deal with all the challenges of climate change and the climate destruction, the minimisation of emissions and the protection of biodiversity are not enough, there is a need for investments, smart networks and management tools and a change in the productive model – what and how we consume, what and how we produce - of the building and infrastructure. The digital and green transformation is happening, and this is a great opportunity for Greece to act now.
Georgios Stasinos, President of the Technical Chamber of Greece

The participation of the private sector increases the available funds for the projects but also improves the quality by adding know-how and experience from the country and abroad.
Dimitrios Stamatis, Chairman of the Deposits and Loans Fund

The access to the finance for energy efficiency projects is a remaining challenge. At EU level, the lack of understanding of this issue among the Government, the public, the private and the financial sectors consists of an obstacle. Hopefully, SMAFIN will contribute to the leverage of more capital investments, maximising the public funds that are engaged for energy efficient buildings and climate change.
Spyridon Economou, President, CRES

It is fundamental using public funding to maximise private capital blending together with achieving economies of scale and purpose and share business profit and risk between investors and financiers. Furthermore, to provide technical assistance to the most vulnerable groups.
Lambros Pyrgiotis, General Director, CRES

Roundtable Conclusions
The 3 Parallel Sessions were moderated by: